Animanga Nation Lives … and will be back this November!

I can’t even begin the list the number of things that almost led to Animanga Nation closing its doors for good. Well, in a way it did since the main office that also houses our sister site, Comic Revolution, burned down during an August fire that destroyed a number of homes and buildings. The Animanga Nation offices lost everything during these fires so you can imagine the site has lost all of its resources.

Secondly, the publishing company that owns this site was going to make dramatic changes that would have killed this site and the editors have been fed up with the corporate suits that don’t know anything about the gaming scene and even less about anime and manga. It led to a vicious battle that had ALL of the Animanga Nation crew call it quits. So, in a way, August was the last month for Animanga Nation as we know it.

However, the corporate suits did not expect to see a pirate ship in the horizon and could not make the call-to-arms as said pirates climbed aboard to walk the suits off a plank and into the deep. That’s right, Captain Eden Zacarias and her band of anime and manga-loving merry crew of otaku pirates, have purchased this site from their very noses and kicked out the publishing company so we can do our own thing without somebody watching over us like a hawk. That means, myself and my crew call the shots to bring news, reviews and original content our own way.

Who am I? I am the young sister of the original Editor-in-Chief, Eduardo Zacarias, who did a great job with the site and has taken it as far as he could with a publishing company that stifled his creativity and the original content he had planned for it. I, like my older brother, am a writer and a massive gaming enthusiast. However, before being a gamer I have an background in anime and manga to the point that it rivals my brother’s love for Japan’s creative art form. I’m skilled in all things Ghost in the Shell with a Bachelor’s degree in One Piece. I love anime.

Of course, I am not alone as I bring a crew whose love for anime and manga rivals my own. It’s good to be among writers who share your love so I am blessed to have put together this team who is dedicated and ready to bring readers their viewpoints and original content as well. You will only find one familiar face among the review crew, Felicia Day, who had no contract so I picked her up. Other than that the crew is new so please allow me to introduce them.

Editor-in-Chief: Eden Zacarias – What is there else to say except for the fact that I believe in this site so much that I purchased it and want nothing more than to bring our love for anime and manga to Animanga Nation. Like most of my crew, I have spent time in Japan. I actually lived there for a few years so I not only know how to speak, read and write in Japanese but I can also cook a number of dishes too. Besides loving anime and manga, I love J-pop and J-rock. Looks A Lot Like: Talho from Eureka Seven.

Managing Editor: Felicia Day – Felicia may share the name of the cute redheaded nerd from “The Guild” and our Felicia is also a cute nerd by her own admission. She has a great fondess for Yaoi and, in an event in Tokyo she attended, was a guest speaker who was a big hit among fellow Yaoi fans who loved what she said about BL. She loves other anime as well like Eureka 7, Death Note and anything Gundam. Looks A Lot Like: Ringo from Air Gear.

Reviews Editor: Kylee Strutt – The Strutt family is no stranger to animation seeing as her brother, Micah, worked on a few original animated series for the now-gone Just like him, Kylie grew up on a steady diet of Naruto, Dragon Ball Z and Blood+. Kylie has cosplayed as her favorite characters during the 2003 Tokyo Game Show when she went to Japan with her family and has gotten plenty of admirers because of it. She even spent two days working as a maid in a maid cafe in Akihabara! Oh yeah, she loves all things Japanese. Looks A Lot Like: Yoko from Gurren Lagann.

Reviewer: Emma Everton – You seen it a hundred times in anime. A beautiful blonde British girl living in Japan who joins the all-Japanese cast who battles for the attention and love of the main male character. This is Emma Everton who grew up in Japan being the daughter of an Army Captain who was stationed there. Emma discovered manga and anime on her first day living there when she was 8 and has grown up loving Evangelion and Case Closed. She spent her days in a manga cafe with all her friends who included a girl named Eden Zacarias. Looks A Lot Like: Lucy from Fairy Tail.

Reviewer: Sabine Monroe – Paris, France is a city filled with life and art and somehow Sabine found a dog-eared second volume of Naoki Urasawa’s Monster on a bus that somebody left behind. She was so absorbed by it that she missed her stop and ended up going directly to a rare book store to pick up the first volume until she became instantly hooked. Then came her love for anime and has become an official otaku because of it. Sabine loves romance fare like Ah! My Goddess, Maria Watches Over Us and Chobits. Looks A Lot Like: Rangiku from Bleach.

So that’s us and we will keep Animanga Nation alive and well bringing you news and reviews plus extras we have planned. So, coming in the end of November, we will be back. I promise you that we will not disappoint and are grateful to all of you who continue to visit the site.

See you very very soon!
– Eden Zacarias

One thought on “Animanga Nation Lives … and will be back this November!

  1. Hmm…I think this is the first time I’ve commented on the site…it seems whatever issues took place were pretty bad, so sorry for that! I hope this does lead to more content on the blog 🙂

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